(Episode 64, 65)
People, announcer
(Menit 35)
People: Hail Vasudev Krisna
Announcer: Lord Krishna, son of Devaki, is on his way! (VIDUR STAND UP FROM HIS SEAT AND PICK UP KRISHNA)
Vidur: Welcome to Hastinapur.
Krishna memberi hormat kepada tuan rumah.
Distarashta: O, messengger of piece, Vasudev Krishna! Accept this humble gift of mine. (BERTEPUK. PENGAWAL MEMBAWA SAPI.)
Krishna: O, King! You have honored me with this gift. But I can give you nothing in return but piece.
Bhishma: Rest awhile, o Krishna! The journey must have tired you.
Krishna: Okay.
Distarashta: Dushasan!
Dushasan : Yes, father.
Distarashta: Take Krishna with you
Dushasan Yes, father.
Duryodhan: No, father! First I'll take him with me. After lunch he can go to Dushasan 's palace.
Krishna: No, Prince! Food can be partaken at two places: at the host's house or at a friend's place. You are neither my host nor my friend. I'll go to Vidur's house. Aunt Kunti is also there. Let's go, Vidur.
Vidur: Come, Krishna. (DURYUDANA MARAH.)
Shakuni: Be patient! Let us first find out what proposal Krishna has brought.
Duryodhan: He can do nothing to us, Uncle. (KRISHNA DATANG)
Duryodhan: (TERKEJUT) Come Krishna! Come!
Shakuni: My respect! Please sit! (KRISHNA DUDUK)
Duryodhan: I always be unhappy that you did not choose to have lunch with us.
Krishna: “Always!” Always implies eternity. After all, I am a messenger of piece. How can I accept favors before a truce? So, come Duryodhan! At least let us agree.
Shakuni: O, Krishna! I do not understand this outlook. What do the outcome of the talks have to do with being a good host?
Karna: Besides, there is no ill-will between us. How can you, the Perfect Man, insult your host?
Krishna: O, Karna! Whatever happens I cannot give up Truth. A person lunches with another if the other is a friend or if he is hungry. I am neither hungry nor Duryodhan's friend.
Duryodhan: How can you say that you are not dear to me?
Krishna: Because if that was so you would have fought with Arjun in Dwarka that you wanted me and not my divine army.
Shakuni: That does not prove anything, O, Krishna! Arjun had already asked for you and so you had already become his by right.
Krishna: (GIGLING) In that case, if I have already become Arjun's how can I accept Duryodhan's favors? An enemy of the Pandavas cannot be my friend. Because truth is on Pandavas' side, and where Truth is, I am! I a sense, I am also a messenger of Truth. If I partake of the lunch you offer it will violate the limits of Truth. (DURYODHAN MARAH) Do not be angry, Duryodhan. Anger cannot negate humility. That is what I want to tell you. There is no quarrel between us. So, listen to me! The path of Piece is the path of Progress and Growth. The path of War leads to the cemetery.
Duryodhan: It is time for lunch, Vasudev! Once again I request you. If you lunch with me, I'll be obliged.
Krishna: If you really wanted me to lunch with you, you would have accepted my Piece proposal by now. I will have lunch at Vidur's house. (KRISHNA PERGI. DURYUDAN MARAH)
Duryodhan: Who does he think he is? I was only trying to honor him. It is right that a milkman should eat with a maid's son. Uncle, I give you my word. If he tries to be too smart in court I'll have him arrested immediately.
Announcer: Messenger of Piece! Brave Warrior! Lord Krishna is on his way!
Krishna: Accept my respects, my lord.
Distarashta: Please honor me by taking a seat.
Vidur: Please be seated!
Krishna: (KEPADA BHISHMA) My respects, grandsire.
Vidur: Please sit! (KEPADA BHISHMA) Please sit, grandsire!
Distarashta: What proposal have you brought from the Pandavas?
Krishna: O King! Taking grandsire's leave I would like to state that I have not brought anyone's proposal. I am here with my own proposal. However, I assure you that whatever I accept will be acceptable to the Pandavas. O King! You are yourself a Man of Knowledge. You know that Piece is not a debatable issue. Piece is essential! Only one side wins a war but there are deaths on both sides.
There are knowledgeable men in this court. Bhishma, Vidur, Sages Drona and Kripa. No other court in the world has as many warriors as this court has. So, your responsibility is the greatest. If there is a war, this gathering will be dispersed. If that so, History will hold you responsible for the tears shed after the war. O King! You are a descendent of Bharat. You are an inheritor of Truth, Religion, Tradition, and Justice. There should be no miscarriage of Justice. O protector of Truth! Listen to me carefully. Peace is never impossible. Take the Kurus on the path of Piece. Therein lies the good of the Kurus and India. History will not condemn Shakuni for his treachery because it happened in your court. History will not ask Prince Duryodhan why he insulted Draupadi. You will have to answer for that because he is your Crown Prince. History will not ask Dushasan why he tried to disrobe Draupadi. You will be held responsible for it. Remember, Piece is not debatable.
Bhishma: Maybe no one desires war, O Krishna.
Krishna: If no one desires war, why the “maybe”? Maybe! Both you and I know that there are war mongers on both sides. Therefore, discard words like “maybe”. We cannot talk of piece with words like these. Explain this to your king, O Grandsire. If the Kuravas and Pandavas come together the whole world will be theirs. There will be no border beyond theirs. But if there is war nothing will be left. Not even your sons! Who knows on whose corpses you will have to weep. If a corpse from the Pandava camp is brought to you will you call it an enemy corpse and rejoice? O King! Before your life ends try to collect your clan. The Pandavas have grown up under your care. They have a right to your love and blessing. O protector of Truth! Return Indraprasth to them!
Duryodhan: This Piece proposal is unacceptable.
Bhishma: At least give it a thought.
Duryodhan: What is there to think? According to the wager, they should accept exile not ask for their Kingdom.
Drona: Learn to speak softly, Duryodhan! Treachery cuts down a man like an axe cuts down a tree.
Bhishma: Also, my son, Krishna is a friend.
Duryodhan: And the friend asks me to give up half my kingdom. If this is friendship, what is enmity?
Kripa: An enemy is one who encourages one to do wrong. What Krishna says is the Truth.
Duryodhan: I'll never give up Indraprasth. If Krishna has another proposal I'll think of it.
Krishna: (KEPADA MAJELIS) You are all Duryodhan's well-wishers. Explain to him. India's future cannot be sacrificed to his ambition. Yes! I have another proposal. If Duryodhan wants to keep Indraprasth then he may. On behalf of the Pandavas I ask for five villages: Avisthal, Vakrasthal, Makandi, Varnavat, and one more. Only five villages! O King! If you give them these five villages the Pandavas will be content.
Duryodhan: Five villages! To those Pandavas! I'll not give them even one grain of land.
Krishna: O Duryodhan! Why do you compel your mother to weep on your corpse?
Duryodhan: Vasudev! Had you not been a messenger, I would have ….
Bhishma: Duryodhan!
Krishna: Let him speak, Grandsire. What would you have done?
Duryodhan: I would have pulled out your tongue.
Krishna: And?
Duryodhan: I would have cast you in the dungeon.
Krishna: Would you dare imprison a messenger? A guest …. O arrogant Duryodhan! Arrest me, if you can!
Duryodhan: Arrest this milkman!
Shakuni: Foolish fellow! What are you doing?